Tag Archives: Babylon JS

Virtual tour of the Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier

3D virtual tour of the Villa Savoye built by Le Corbusier in Poissy (no plugin required). This house was a veritable manifesto of the modernist movement at the time of its construction in 1929. Known and celebrated worldwide, it has become an icon of contemporary architecture.
Start the tour in full screen mode !

Visite virtuelle en 3D de la Villa Savoye construite par Le Corbusier à Poissy (pas de plugin nécessaire). Cette maison était un véritable manifeste du mouvement moderne lors de sa construction en 1929. Connue dans le monde entier, elle est devenue une icône de l’architecture contemporaine.
Commencez la visite en cliquant ici !










Virtual tour of Governor’s Palace in Chandigarh by Le Corbusier

3D virtual tour of the Governor’s Palace conceived by Le Corbusier for Chandigarh (no plugin required). The city of Chandigarh was the first planned city in India post-independence in 1947 and is known internationally for its architecture and urban design. The master plan of the city was prepared by Le Corbusier. Planning and development of the city of Chandigarh is considered a unique experiment of the modern independent India. Although never built, Governor’s Palace remained a key element of Corbusier’s original concept of Capitol Complex in Chandigarh.

Imajün give you opportunity to take a tour to this unbuilt masterpiece of modern architecture !

Start the tour in full screen mode

Governor's palace Chandigarh Le Corbusier Imajün 01

Governor's palace Chandigarh Le Corbusier Imajün 02

Governor's palace Chandigarh Le Corbusier Imajün 03


Governor's palace Chandigarh Le Corbusier Imajün 04

Governor's palace Chandigarh Le Corbusier Imajün 05

Governor's palace Chandigarh Le Corbusier Imajün 06

Governor's palace Chandigarh Le Corbusier Imajün 07

Governor's palace Chandigarh Le Corbusier Imajün 08


Governor's palace Chandigarh Le Corbusier Imajün 09

Governor's palace Chandigarh Le Corbusier Imajün 10

Governor's palace Chandigarh Le Corbusier Imajün 11
